Children in Homeless Accommodations Managing Pandemic Invisibility Or Non-inclusive Strategies
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This research gives you an opportunity to influence discussions about how to protect and support children’s health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic recovery and in future pandemics.
"We are currently looking for both families and professionals to take part."
Both the interview and survey can be completed on the phone rather than by online video call. You can choose for a supporter from a community organisation or a friend or family member to be present at the interview if you would like. This person could translate for you if needed, or we could arrange for a professional translator to be there. If you are concerned about safety, you do not need to tell us your address. If you need another type of support to take part, please contact us and we can discuss it.
We know that people experiencing homelessness may not have easy access to the internet and some may not have English as a first language. If you know someone who could take part, but they do not have an internet connection or need language support, please contact us as we can help.
1) Families
We are looking for people to take part in the Families study.
We need your help in two important ways: by completing a questionnaire, and/or by taking part in an interview.
You must meet both of these requirements to be able to take part:
1). You have lived in temporary accommodation during COVID-19, due to experiencing homelessness
2). During that time you were caring for a child under 5 years old, responsible for decisions about their healthcare and wellbeing, and can talk about the different ways it has affected them.
What you say could help to make a difference in the future to other families who have been in your situation. We give Love2Shop vouchers as a thank you to everyone who takes part.
The online survey takes 20-30 minutes to complete.
Everyone who completes it will receive a £10 voucher.
The interview takes up to 1 hour by phone or online with one of our researchers.
Everyone who takes part will receive a £20 voucher.
To take part in an interview or find out more,
contact or phone/WhatsApp 07436 030173.
2) YOUNG PEOPLE (10-19 YearS)
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Would you like to take part in an interview? We are looking for young people who:
1). Have lived in temporary accommodation in England during COVID-19
2). Are between 10 and 19 years old and are happy to talk about experiences of temporary accommodation during Covid (or are a parent of a 10-19 year old who lives with you and can pass them information about our project.)
What you say could help to make a difference in the future to other young people who have been in your situation.
We are giving £10 Love2Shop vouchers as a thank you to all 10-19 year olds who take part.
The interview would be with a child-friendly researcher and would take up to 1 hour by phone or online
To take part in the interview or find out more,
contact or phone/WhatsApp 07710 395930.
3) Professionals
We are also looking for housing, early years and health professionals to take part in a research interview of 45-60 minutes regarding their work with families living in TA with children under 5 during the pandemic.
This will cover how COVID affected families, how service delivery may have changed, and their views on what is needed to support children under 5 for pandemic recovery. If you would like take part in a research interview, or know anyone else who does, we would be very happy to hear from you.​​
To take part in an interview or find out more,
contact or phone/WhatsApp 07436 030173.