Children in Homeless Accommodations Managing Pandemic Invisibility Or Non-inclusive Strategies

Our Goals
Aims and Objectives
Our research aims to benefit families and their children living in TA in Scotland by achieving the following Research Objectives:
1: Map the existing global evidence on the impact of precarious housing on child health and development.
2: Explore how children live their lives in TA though their words, stories, and drawings.
3: Supplement children’s voices with parental reflections on the impact of TA on their children physical and mental health, social relationships, and overall development.
4: Promote uptake of research findings among policymakers and local authorities.
The intended output from the project will be a written report which includes:
​An executive summary
A short literature review of the available research.
The findings of the research on the impact of temporary accommodation on children.
Recommendations on how to reduce the harm that temporary accommodation causes to children.
There will also be a presentation on the findings of the research to a policy-focused audience at a roundtable organized by Shelter Scotland, including representatives from the Scottish Government, local authorities, social landlords and voluntary sector organizations.
Shelter Scotland intends to use the findings from this research in its longer-term advocacy work. This will take the form of briefings to politicians, at Scottish Government committee evidence sessions, Scottish Government working groups, in policy discussions with the wider sector.
The long-term implications for policy and practice from this research will be:
There is raised awareness within the sector and beyond of the harm which TA can have on children.
Shelter Scotland’s call for the Scottish Government to build the social homes required, of the right type in the right places in strengthened.
Shelter Scotland will make relevant policy and practice recommendations to reduce the harm that TA causes to children.
Where we see evidence of positive practice and good housing outcomes for families we will promote this good practice.
Route to Impact
The intended audience for this piece of research is wide ranging. This research will enable Shelter Scotland to advocate and influence for the changes required by highlighting the negative impact of temporary accommodation on children to the following groups:
The Scottish Government
Local Authorities
Third sector organisations who work with children and/or families in temporary accommodation.
Shelter Scotland supporters who help us campaign for change
The general public
The intended outcomes from the project will be a written report which includes:
An executive summary
A short literature review of the available research.
The findings of the research on the impact of temporary accommodation on children.
Recommendations on how to reduce the harm that temporary accommodation causes to children.
There will also be a presentation on the findings of the research to a policy-focused audience at a roundtable organized by Shelter Scotland, including representatives from the Scottish Government, local authorities, social landlords and voluntary sector organizations. The report will also be disseminated to stakeholders.
Shelter Scotland intends to use the findings from this research in its longer-term advocacy work. This will take the form of briefings to politicians, at Scottish Government committee evidence sessions, Scottish Government working groups, in policy discussions with the wider sector.
The long-term implications for policy and practice from this research will be:
There is raised awareness within the sector and beyond of the harm which TA can have on children.
Shelter Scotland’s call for the Scottish Government to build the social homes required, of the right type in the right places in strengthened.
Shelter Scotland will make relevant policy and practice recommendations to reduce the harm that TA causes to children.
Where we see evidence of positive practice and good housing outcomes for families we will promote this good practice.